Experience the Thrilling Animation of In Flames’ Latest Album Cover, “Foregone”, brought to life by Konstantin Stelzner’s Expertise in Photoshop, After Effects, and Cinema 4D.
In this exciting project, Konstantin Stelzner took the album cover of metal band In Flames’ latest album “Foregone” and brought it to life using the latest techniques in animation and visual effects. With skillful use of Photoshop, After Effects, and Cinema 4D, Konstantin added a range of dynamic elements that transformed the flat cover into an animated masterpiece.
From the realistic rain that falls in sheets, to the smoothly-rippling ocean that adds a sense of calmness and mystery, each element of the animation adds to the drama and intensity of the cover. The character’s hand is animated with lifelike precision, while the clouds in the background swirl and move with the force of the storm.
With this stunning animation, Konstantin Stelzner demonstrates his mastery of the latest tools and technologies in animation and visual effects. Whether you’re a fan of metal music or simply appreciate the power and energy of great animation, the animated album cover for In Flames’ “Foregone” is not to be missed.
Used Software/Tech
- Cinema 4D
- After Effects
- Photoshop